Make the water sector more attractive to investors and private operators.
The investment promotion priority aims to increase the number of investment projects and amounts of funding for water in Africa, beyond what AWF can achieve through the specific projects it prepares, and at the same time contribute to accelerating the process from project identification to financial close.
AWF aims to galvanise interest in sector amongst financiers, and in particular, make the sector more attractive to private investors and operators.
AWF will assume a broader role as facilitator between project sponsors and financiers through a variety of investment promotion services that aim to address the investment bottlenecks relating to
A range of investment promotion services will be offered to increase the number of investment opportunities in the water sector and to mobilise higher levels of financing for projects, in particular from the private sector.
The main interventions include:
This new strategic focus will be allocated up to 10% of the overall program budget.
AWF offers grants of between €50,000 and €5,000,000 to fund water projects.