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Sanitation and hygiene

Capacity building workshop on Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM)

The vision over the entire water cycle, as well as the reconsideration of the way water is used and waste water reused to address the growing urban water management challenges in Africa, is the motivation for the next capacity building event being organized by the African Water Facility (AWF) in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership (GWP) in Abidjan, from 25th to 28th January 2016.


CSO Getting Africa on Track to Meet the MDGs on W&S

This document published in 2006 provides of review of the progress made in meeting the water and sanitation MDGs in 16 African countries to.


African Regional Document - Mexico 2006 4th World Water Forum

The African Regional Document was developed for the 4th World Water Forum held in Mexico in 2006.  It shows the main water related problems in Africa, explains the progress made so far in implementing their solution, and evaluates future perspectives.


Integrated project of Water Supply and Sanitation Services for the Urban Poor in Kagugube Parish, Kampala

This 2010 case study discusses the implementation of the project for integrated water supply and sanitation services for the urban poor in Kagugube Parish, Kampala, Uganda, listing key issues and providing lessons learned.


Akissa Bahri, Coordinator, explains how the AWF contributes to the Africa Water Vision 2025

Akissa Bahri, coordinator of the African Water Facility (AWF), talks about the AWF role in the implementation of the African Water Vision 2025 and about its success in mobilizing additional financial resources to accelerate the development of the sector.


Donor Roundtable in Ouagadougou to Support Peri-urban Sanitation Project

Representatives of various local, regional and international development agencies and from different levels of Government met in Ouagadougou to discuss the funding of a sanitation project in the peri-urban areas of Ouagadougou, estimated at €138 million (FCFA 90.5 billion). This project should be completed by 2017 and is expected to improve the lives of an estimated one million people living in the most vulnerable areas of the city.


AWF Liberia Sanitation Project Selected by UNFCCC as one of 2013 Outstanding Innovations

The United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) announced Wednesday November 6 the selection of the Monrovia Fostering Innovative Sanitation and Hygiene (FISH) project as one of the 17 Lighthouse Activities to be showcased at the November 2013 UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland. 

Lighthouse Activities projects are selected based on their innovative and transformative qualities, and are recognized for the value of the solutions they propose to address both climate change and wider economic, social and environmental challenges. 


Promoting private sanitation venture to curb water-borne diseases and turn waste into energy and fertilizer in Kisumu, Kenya

The Kisumu Water and Sewage Company (KIWASCO) received a €1.2 million AWF grant to support a project that will provide sanitation services for residents in the Manyatta settlement in Kisumu, Kenya, while creating business through the sale of fertilizers, biogas and energy as by-product of the sanitation collection. 

