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CSO Getting Africa on Track to Meet the MDGs on W&S

This document published in 2006 provides of review of the progress made in meeting the water and sanitation MDGs in 16 African countries to.


Supporting the socio-economic development of the Ruzizi plain and promoting regional integration

(In French only) La FAE a annoncé, le 23 juillet 2015, avoir approuvé un don de 1,9 million d’euros à la Communauté économique des pays des grands lacs (CEPGL), laquelle réunit le Burundi, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC)  et le Rwanda. Ce afin de soutenir son programme de développement de la plaine de Ruzizi. Ce projet vise à stimuler l’agriculture dans la région, afin d’en faire une activité économique viable et générant des profits, qui pourra bénéficier à près d’un million d’habitants.


The African Water Facility Supports Rwanda to Maximize its Water and Sanitation Investments

The African Water Facility (AWF) provided a grant of close to €2 Million to the Government of the Republic of Rwanda to support the development of 25-year national water supply and sanitation masterplans that will guide the achievement of national universal access for water supply and sanitation through the identification of effective water supply and sanitation projects. The grant proceeds will also go towards building various water stakeholders’ capacities to plan, design, finance, implement and manage water and sanitation projects and infrastructure.
