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Agricultural water management

AWF supports the development of irrigated agriculture to increase food security and economic growth in Malawi

Tunis, Tunisia, January 7, 2014 – The African Water Facility has offered a €1.8 million grant to the Government of Malawi to help prepare a project designed to expand irrigated agriculture in the Lower Shire Valley. The project will help overcome the adverse effect of prolonged dry spells and frequent flooding to improve and spread agricultural production.  

It will also create opportunity for employment through the establishment of smallholder farming ventures and professionally operated irrigation services. Over 272,000 people are expected to benefit from this project.


AWF supports a Niger Basin infrastructure program to strengthen climate change resilience and improve food security

Tunis, Tunisie, 31 Janvier 2014 – La Facilité africaine de l’eau (FAE) octroie un don de 960 000 euros au Secrétariat exécutif de l’Autorité du bassin du Niger (ABN), pour soutenir un programme de préparation de projets d’infrastructures à buts multiples. Ces projets aideront à freiner la dégradation généralisée des ressources naturelles, causée par le changement climatique, et à en améliorer la gestion afin d’accroître la production agricole et améliorer la résilience des populations.


African Water Facility promotes multiple use water services to increase access to water of rural and peri-urban communities in South Africa

Tunis, Tunisia – The African Water Facility (AWF) offered on August 20, 2014 a €1.3 million grant to the Water Research Commission of the Republic of South Africa to improve water delivery services, an initiative that will be supported and driven by the beneficiary communities of Limpopo province. Over 20,000 people are expected to get improved access to water for domestic and agriculture purposes, among others. 


AWF to help tackle food insecurity, flooding and droughts in Uganda and South Sudan

The African Water Facility (AWF) announced on January 9, 2015 that it has offered a €1.97 million grant to the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) to increase water availability for multiple purposes in the Nyimur region of Uganda and South Sudan. The grant will support the improvement of irrigated agriculture and food production, fisheries, electricity generation and sanitation as well as the prevention of flooding and droughts in the region.


Supporting the socio-economic development of the Ruzizi plain and promoting regional integration

(In French only) La FAE a annoncé, le 23 juillet 2015, avoir approuvé un don de 1,9 million d’euros à la Communauté économique des pays des grands lacs (CEPGL), laquelle réunit le Burundi, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC)  et le Rwanda. Ce afin de soutenir son programme de développement de la plaine de Ruzizi. Ce projet vise à stimuler l’agriculture dans la région, afin d’en faire une activité économique viable et générant des profits, qui pourra bénéficier à près d’un million d’habitants.


Study to upscale smallholder irrigation in Zambia

A new set of studies, financed by a grant of EUR 1.4 million from the African Water Facility (AWF) will help develop smallholder irrigation in Zambia, through the Upscaling of Smallholder Irrigation Project. This will lead to improved livelihood conditions and climate change resilience of smallholder farmers in the country.


Boosting hydropower and irrigation in Tanzania

Tanzania is expected to benefit from a boost in hydropower generation and irrigation development thanks to a new study financed by the African Water Facility (AWF). This EUR 2-million grant will help the government of Tanzania launch the pre-feasibility study of a multipurpose dam, irrigation and hydropower project in Kikonge (South West).


Developing rainwater to reduce poverty and tackle drought in Cameroon

The African Water Facility (AWF) grants 1.3 million Euros to Cameroon to finance a study on the mobilization and use of rainwater in the northern part of the country. The project will address the concerns of two million inhabitants of the region: food security, employment, increased revenue, effects of climate change…


The African Water Facility supports improved smallholder farmers resilience to climate change through irrigation upscaling in Zambia

The African Water Facility (AWF) held a one-day event on November 9, 2016 to launch the Upscaling Smallholder Irrigation (USI) project, which aims to help develop smallholder irrigation in Zambia. The AWF €1.4-million grant to finance a set of studies facilitating the upscaling of the USI project will contribute to better livelihood conditions, job creation and climate change resilience of smallholder farmers in the country.
