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Development of irrigated agriculture to increase food security and economic growth in Malawi 17 December 2013 Ongoing

December 2013 - The Government of Malawi received a €1.8 million grant to help prepare a project to expand irrigated agriculture in the Lower Shire Valley.

Improving drinking water and sanitation services in Kinshasa 20 July 2015 Ongoing

(In French Only) Kinshasa est une ville qui connaît un taux de croissance démographique élevé (5 %) dont la population estimée à près de 10 millions d’habitants en 2014, est estimée entre 14 et 17 millions en 2030.

Water Supply Development Plan 2008-2030 01 April 2008 Closed

April 2008 - The Government of Seychelles received a €955,000 grant to formulate a water supply development plan for the three main Islands of Seychelles to attract the necessary water project investments to meet demands up to the year 2030.

Development of the Songwe River Basin 01 May 2010 Closed

May 2010 - Governments of Tanzania and Malawi received a €4 million grant to support the investment preparation for the development of Songwe River Basin.

Establishment of a monitoring and reporting system for the water sector in Africa 01 September 2013 Completed

September 2013- The African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) received a € 2 million grant to establish the African water and sanitation monitoring and reporting (M&E) system, to cover all aspects of water use.

Supporting the socio-economic development of the Ruzizi plain and promoting regional integration 24 June 2015 Ongoing

(In French only) La Communauté économique des pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL), regroupant la République du Burundi, la République démocratique du Congo et la République du Rwanda a été créée en 1976.
