Project General Description
The project is the outcome of a proposal submitted by the Zambia Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection (MWDSEP) to the African Water Facility (AWF) in May 2019, together with a funding request for project preparation. The project seeks to contribute towards Government’s effort to improve access to integrated and sustainable faecal sludge management and to achieve the SDGs for sanitation in urban areas in Zambia by 2030. Indeed, according to the 2017 Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Update, access to basic water supply and sanitation stands at 61% (42% rural and 84% urban) for water supply and 26% (19% rural and 36% urban) for sanitation. About 19% (32% rural and 3% urban) of the population practice open defecation, while 14% (5% rural and 26% urban) have access to basic handwashing facilities with soap and water. Poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene services coupled with a rapidly expanding population, poor urban planning, unhygienic practices and impacts of climate change present challenges for both public and environmental health. The project addresses issues relating to inclusive access, cost recovery and sustainability along the value chain. It will be implemented in line with the National Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Program. The Program provides opportunity for a number of sector related project interventions to be implemented to improve access to sustainable services. The proposed project is one such intervention that seeks to improve access to sustainable sanitation and hygiene services by (i) increasing access to improved household and public sanitation, (ii) improving collection, treatment and disposal infrastructure, and (c) building capacity for the sustainable management of sanitation facilities in urban and peri-urban areas of Lusaka, Livingstone, Choma, Ndola, Petauke, Chavuma, Mansa, Kapiri-Mposhi, Kabwe, Solwezi, Kasama and Chipata. It comprises two (2) main components: (i) Feasibility Studies and Engineering Design; and (ii) Project Management. The estimated total cost of the project (excluding taxes) is € 1 356 863, of which 24 % is in local currency equivalent. It shall be executed over a period of 30 months from the date of Grant approval.
Project Objectives
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to increase access to safe, sustainable and inclusive sanitation services, with improved hygiene and faecal sludge management services for people living in urban and peri-urban areas in Zambia. The specific objectives are to contribute to: (a) increase access to safe, sustainable and inclusive on-site sanitation facilities; (b) increase access to efficient and sustainable faecal sludge management infrastructure and services; and (c) create opportunities for increased sub sector investments.
The project’s direct beneficiaries are the Urban and Peri Urban Dwellers, Municipalities, Commercial Utilities, National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) and Sector Ministries. With realization of the downstream investments, the direct beneficiaries would be the (a) initial 2,400,000, and subsequently by 2030, the additional 1,004,000 urban dwellers without adequate access to sustainable and inclusive sanitation services. The study will likely contribute to the creation of about 200 new jobs following realization of the downstream investments. Other indirect beneficiaries are Private Sector Operators, local NGOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs), etc.